Indications Uses: Temporarily relieves minor aches and pains due to: headache; sore throat; flu; toothache; the common cold. Temporarily reducer fever.
Directions Directions: This product does not contain directions or complete warnings for adult use. Do not give more than directed. Find the right dose on chart below. If possible, use weight to dose; otherwise, use age. Chew before swallowing; this product will soften in mouth for ease of chewing. Repeat dose every 4 hours while symptoms last. Do not give more than 5 times in 24 hours. Do not give for more than 5 days unless directed by a doctor. Under 2 Age (yr): Under 24 weight (lb). Ask a doctor. 2-3 Age (yr): 24-35 weight (lb). 1 dose tablets (or as directed by a doctor). 4-5 Age (yr): 36-47 weight (lb). 1-1/2 dose tablets (or as directed by a doctor). 6-8 Age (yr): 48-59 weight (lb). 2 dose tablets (or as directed by a doctor). 9-10 Age (yr): 60-71 weight (lb). 2-1/2 dose tablets (or as directed by a doctor). 11 Age (yr): 72-95 weight (lb). 3 dose tablets (or as directed by a doctor).